
Make this hanging wall pocket from a paper plate.

  • 2 plain paper plates
  • a hole punch
  • yarn, twine, or other thick thread
  • scissors
  • stickers (optional)
  • thick needle (optional)
  • crayons, paint, or markers
 Step 1: Cut one paper plate in half. Punch holes along the straight edge, about 1 inch apart (don't punch near the circular part yet).
Step 2:Put the plates together, the fronts together, forming a pocket. While holding them together, punch holes around the edges about 1 inch apart. It may help to use clothes pins to hold the 2 plates together.
Step 3: Have the child "sew" up all the edges with yarn, string, or twine. Older children can use an upholstery needle. For younger ones, a bit of nail polish put on the end of the string (let it dry first) will act like a needle.
Step 4: Make a hole for hanging the wall pocket on the wall. Decorate the wall pocket with crayons, markers, or paint.

